Motivational Speaking

I have had 35 years of experience addressing groups of 50 to 450 individuals both as a Professor of Psychology and as a public speaker. My audiences have been composed of professionals who were being trained in specific psychological assessment to groups of laymen and women interested in the use of multi-dimensional thinking to approach social issues. I love speaking to groups and my audiences tell me it shows.

My goal is to provide an empathic experience in which the audiences’ varied states are brought together by the lecture and fused into a single energy state. I use techniques outlined by Fritz Perls in his book Gestalt Therapy (New York:  Julian Press, 1962) and embed them in a humanistic matrix described by G. Marian Kinget in her book On Being Human (Lanham, MD:  University  Press of America, 1987). Overall, my program is about feelings rather than data, participants walk away with a deeper level of knowledge based on their experience.

 The definition of “Human” arises in “sentience” psychology comes from the Greek word “psyche,” meaning soul. My lectures develop participants’ higher intelligence which connects body and mind with soul.

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